I'm senior Katie Coyne, TRU {Tobacco Reality Unfiltered} Co-President with some important information and opportunities . Did you know that:
JUUL has more than twice the amount of nicotine concentrate as many other brands of e-cigarettes. This has raised concerns that it may have a higher risk of addiction than other e-cigarettes. One cartridge, called a pod, has roughly the equivalent amount of nicotine as one pack of cigarettes.
You will be getting information via "Toilet Talk", a social norming campaign {No, not EVERYONE is doing it}, through March Advisory-playing Vaping Jeopardy and for students that are interested, a Lunch & Learn!
This week is the national Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action. Check out the table in the Commons at lunch and the flyers around school for more information! Today during lunch, stop by the Media Center for Conversations with Cops. Sergeant Mayfield and other area law enforcement officers will be available for informal Q&A.
Speaking of Black History Month events, Thursday night - tomorrow - is the 12th annual CHS Community Dinner where we bring together people from all over the community to work toward better understanding of issues that impact us all. Bring your family and friends!
February is CTE Month and to express the importance of our CTE programs here at CHS the CTE department has joined forces to celebrate the value of CTE and the achievements and accomplishments of our CTE programs and students. Each week in the month of February the CTE department will showcase one of its four program areas. Be sure to engage and support our CTE Month celebrations!
Do you need Service Learning Hours? The CHS Quiz Bowl Team is hosting a tournament Saturday, February 16th from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. See Mr. Beichner or Arun Charkrabarty for more information or sign up here. You can earn at least 6 volunteer hours!
There will be a men's tennis interest meeting Friday Feb. 8 at 12:30pm in the gym.
Do you have a special someone? A best friend? The French Honors Society is selling Appreciation Hearts during lunch in front of the library this week, so you can tell anyone you want how much they mean to you. Your hearts can come with flowers and balloons, and your gift can even be anonymous if you want! All the money collected will be used to help french-speaking refugees in our community, and the items will be delivered on Valentines Day.
Applications for CCP at Durham Tech are available in the box outside of Ms. Coley's office in the CIC. Return completed applications to Ms. Coley ASAP.
Wanna get published? Jagged Lines, the Carrboro High School literary magazine, is currently accepting submissions for the Spring 2019 edition. Send your short stories, poems, visual art, photography, and other publishable works to CHSJaggedLines@gmail.com by March 15th. Feel free to email if you have questions about submissions.
Free Sports Physicals Feb. 6 from 5:30pm-7:00pm at UNC Orthopaedics, 6011 Farrington Road Suite 201; MUST have a signed physical exam form by the parent to be seen by a physician.
The Smart Lunch subject today is Math
All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.