Lost & Found will be set up in the Commons this week! Claim it if it’s yours! Remaining items will be donated this afternoon.
Carrboro High School Theatre presents our fall play, “She Kills Monsters,” today through Saturday, October 28th at 7:30 PM. Tickets can be purchased at seatyourself.biz/jagtheatre and are $5 for students, $10 for adults, and free for CHCCS Faculty/Staff. This action-packed dramatic comedy is filled with stage combat and is rated PG-13 for language and mature themes.
Carrboro High School’s new literary magazine, Jagged Lines, is now accepting submissions for our Fall 2017 issue. Please submit original short stories, poems, essays, comics, visual art, and photography by November 8th in order to be considered for publication in the magazine. Send all submissions to CHSJaggedLines@gmail.com. Be sure to include the author’s name and grade level with your submission.
Come cheer on your class at the Powderpuff game on November 9th at 6 pm! Tickets are $5, but if you buy your class Powderpuff shirt and wear it to the game, admission is $3. All proceeds will be used to fund prom 2019. This event is sponsored by Al's Burger Shack, Zinn Brothers, Jennings and Company, and Rise Donuts.
C-town shirts are on sale at lunch, $15 each.
Sign-up for the dance battle during lunch outside of the media center, performances will be during the pep rally.
Spirit week starts next week, Monday is matching Monday.
Winter Sports Registration will close on October 30. The registration site is located on the CHS Athletic Webpage. All students who wish to tryout for a winter sport must register prior to October 30, have a current physical exam and a concussion form on file with the Athletic Dept.. Additionally, students must pick up a “Ticket to Play” from Coach Ross during lunch in the Commons the week of October 23-27. Students must give the “Ticket” to the Coach in order to try out. Also, Current Fall athletes must register and pick up a “Ticket”.
Girl’s basketball tryouts are: October 30, 31 and November 1 TBA. If you are still competing when try-outs start, you can try after your season ends. Make sure to see AD Ross in the Commons during lunch this week to pick-up your ticket to play.
Come by the table in the commons to buy T-dance tickets during lunch this week! They are $40 for a couple and $25 for a single. Buy tickets this week because the prices will going up next week.
Wrestling Weight Certification Test will be given on Monday Oct. 30, Tuesday Oct. 31 and Wed. Nov. 1 after school until 4:30pm in the Athletic Training Room. Must have a “Ticket to Play” to take the wrestling weight certification tests.
There will be a mandatory Hope for Houston meeting in D212 during A Lunch.
DECA students who are interested in going to the District competition on Tuesday, November 28 must submit appropriate paperwork and choose event.
Carrboro Volleyball will host Ayden-Grifton on Sat Oct. 28 match time is TBD. This is the 4th round of the State Playoffs. All students who purchase a ticket will be entered in a drawing for a Nike T-Shirt.