Peer Buddies - Try to get your application forms in to Mr. Hite or Mrs. Barry in D122 by this Friday so we can make Buddy matches! Extra forms are outside D122. If you missed the training and still want to be involved, see John Hite or Melissa Barry.
Carrboro High School Theatre presents our fall play, “She Kills Monsters,” October 26th through 28th at 7:30 PM. Tickets can be purchased online at the school’s website. This action-packed dramatic comedy is filled with stage combat and is rated PG-13 for language and mature themes.
The first fun Friday is this week, upperclassmen please bring an underclassman for a sweet treat during lunch this Friday. First come, first serve. C-town shirts are now on sale at lunch, 2 for $30, buy your shirt today!
Sign-up for a class dance-off for the pep rally during lunch this Friday.
There is a SkillsUSA meeting today in Ms.Stegalls room, room C114 from 12:30 to the end of lunch.
Come cheer on your class at the Powderpuff game on November 9th at 6 pm! Tickets are $5, but if you buy your class Powderpuff shirt and wear it to the game, admission is $3. All proceeds will be used to fund prom 2019. This event is sponsored by Al's Burger Shack, Zinn Brothers, Jennings and Company, and Rise Donuts.
Winter Sports Registration will close on October 30. The registration site is located on the CHS Athletic Webpage. All students who wish to tryout for a winter sport must register prior to October 30, have a current physical exam and a concussion form on file with the Athletic Dept.. Additionally, students must pick up a “Ticket to Play” from Coach Ross during lunch in the Commons the week of October 23-27. Students must give the “Ticket” to the Coach in order to try out. Also, Current Fall athletes must register and pick up a “Ticket”.
Today’s Smart Lunch Schedule:
Science, Arts - A Lunch
Social Studies, CTE - B Lunch
Remember, CHS stands for Care, Honor, and Support. Have a great day!