Happy New Year!
The second CHCCS Olympics event is dodgeball! Dodgeball will be played on January 14th from 1-4 pm. We need participants! If interested, please fill out this form: http://tinyurl.com/chsdodgeball
Reminder that Service Learning hours is a requirement for graduation. See what opportunities there are, check your hours and so on at: https://sites.google.com/a/chccs.k12.nc.us/chapel-hill-carrboro-city-schools/academics/service-learning
There will be an interest meeting for all students interested in joining backstage tech for the spring musical, “Cinderella,” this Wednesday, January 4th during A-Lunch in the Blackbox (C-114). No prior experience required, and service hours are available! The tech sign-up is on your daily announcement email.
Auditions for CHS’s spring musical, “Cinderella,” will be next Monday or Tuesday from 4:00 - 7:00 PM in the Theater. No experience is required to audition. It is advised that participants memorize and perform a 1-minute monologue and 16 measures of music to sing a cappella. Students should also dress for movement and bring a list of all conflicts from January - March. The tech sign-up is on your daily announcement email.
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A Lunch
B Lunch