Monday, December 5, 2016

Student announcements - Dec. 5, 2016

Good morning,

*There will be a women's soccer interest meeting on Dec. 14 in the weight room at the beginning of lunch.

*The Eco-Action club meets every Monday after school in our beautiful community garden behind the D wing. Come on by and help us create a beautiful garden at CHS!

*Want to earn service hours, practice your Spanish, or just up for an incredible adventure? You should seriously link about joining us on our trip to Ecuador this coming summer. There are still spots left but we are going to try to fill them before winter break. There will be an lunch interest meeting this week. Stay tuned or talk to Mr. Klakovich if you are interested.

*The Red Cross club will be hosting a drive for Hurricane Matthew victims. Items we're collecting are cleaning supplies, washcloths/towels, bottled water, new socks, soap/shampoo/deodorant, toothbrushes/toothpaste, books/games, and canned goods. The drive will go through -December 15. Students and parents can drop off items in the front roundabout in the mornings and at lunch in front of the library.

*Winter Links has officially started! Winter Links is a yearly fundraiser put on by Student Government in order to spread holiday cheer around the CHS community. This year, the fundraiser will run from November 28th- December 22nd. Money will be collected during fourth period classes. This year, we are raising money for graduated CHS Karen refugee students to take a trip back to their homes in Thailand and Burma. The class who fundraises the most money wins a prize breakfast. Happy holidays!