Thursday, December 22, 2016

Student announcements - Dec. 22, 2016

Good morning,

Tutoring is cancelled today, Thursday, December 22. See you when school starts in January!

Grab a snowflake, buy a necessity, help a Hurricane Matthew victim! This year students in 5th Period Marketing are collaborating with the SGA and the Red Cross Club to help the Hurricane Matthew victims. The “LIVE”GIVING TREE” AND ITEM COLLECTION CONTAINER will be located outside of the library from December 13th to December 22nd. There will be snowflake ornaments with needed supplies written on them that we are asking the people of Carrboro High School to purchase so that one more person in need smiles this holiday season. If there are any questions please contact Mrs. Francis room D212.

Winter Links has officially started! Winter Links is a yearly fundraiser put on by Student Government in order to spread holiday cheer around the CHS community. This year, the fundraiser will run from November 28th- December 22nd. Money will be collected during fourth period classes. This year, we are raising money for graduated CHS Karen refugee students to take a trip back to their homes in Thailand and Burma. The class who fundraises the most money wins a prize breakfast. Happy holidays!

Reminder that Service Learning hours is a requirement for graduation. See what opportunities there are, check your hours and so on at:

The second CHCCS Olympics event is dodgeball! Dodgeball will be played on January 14th from 1-4 pm. We need participants! If interested, please fill out the form in your gmail announcement:

Have safe and Happy Holidays!!