This is Principal LaVerne Mattocks with this week's updates for Carrboro High School families.
Tuesday, February 11th: The CHS SIT will meet in the Media Center beginning at 5:30.
Wednesday, February 12th: Parents and students, please remember that if you have purchased an ad for the CHS yearbook, it is imperative that all pictures be submitted byWednesday, February 12th for printing. For more information, contact a member of the Yearbook staff or Ms. Mintzy Paige @ (919)918-2200.
Thursday, February 13th: CHCCS will operate on the routine Delayed Opening schedule. CHS students will begin class promptly at 10:45.
Here are a few dates for your future planning:
Thursday, February 20th: CHS Spirit Night at City Kitchen and Village Burger. A portion of all orders will be donated to a CHS cause if you mention Carrboro Jaguars that evening. Plan to come out and fellowship while enjoying some great food!
Monday, February 24th: CHS Registration Night
Carrboro High School counselors will provide information distinctly aimed at efficient course registration for our students. We hope you will find the presentation helpful. Contact our Guidance Department at x. 25999 with questions.
Thursday, February 27th: CHS Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences from 5:30 - 8:30. Our PTSA volunteers will resume scheduling these conferences on Monday, February 24th. More information is forthcoming.
It remains a great time to be a Carrboro Jaguar!