Attention all drivers - students, teachers, and staff:
The parking spot painting event has been rescheduled! The junior class council is in charge of planning prom, and this year for one of our fundraisers, we received approval to paint your own parking spot! Here are the details ...
Price per spot: $15
Max amount of colors:4 (you can mix colors but 4 colors will be provided per spot)
Brushes and Rollers will be provided but we have a limited supply. If you have your own to use, please bring it.
Date: Saturday, February 26, 2022 (subject to change based on the weather!)
If you would like to personalize your parking spot please complete this form as soon as possible!
We look forward to seeing you in the parking lot! Junior Class Council
Students interested in playing for the 2022 Jaguar Softball season please see Coach Williams (room D124) & Coach Rathkey in CIC( Mon., Thurs-Fri.) or email Coach Nohe at regarding information about registering online as well as information about getting a physical to play.
Flex Time Edficiency Requests: Don't forget to submit your requests for Flex Time! Click here to sign in using your school email and submit your requests. This is an opportunity to get help from your teachers, work on assignments, collaborate with your peers, or even sign up for Open Gym!
Jagged Lines, the CHS literary journal, is currently accepting submissions of short stories, poems, essays, and visual art. Upload your submission by February 28th for a chance to win a $30 Visa gift card or a book of your choice if your work is selected! Submit using the Google Form in this announcement. (Murchison)
Spring Sports begin on February 14. Tryout times will be announced. All students interested in trying out must have a current physical exam on file and have a complete online registration. Here's the link to a physical exam form:
Here's the link to online registration instructions:
Parent & Student Getting Started Online Sports Registration
Congratulations to the Mock Trial Club for a strong second-place finish at the Salisbury Regionals in the NCAJ High School Mock Trial Competition! And an additional congratulations goes out to Lucy Carlson who was awarded Best Attorney in Rounds 1&2!
You are a singer! Mrs. Puhala will be hosting a workshop during Flex Time on Friday February 11th to help you discover your voice. Free pizza will be provided at the end of the session. Be sure to sign up ahead of time in Edficiency to secure a spot!
All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.