Come to The One Act Play That Goes Wrong March 10th, 11th and 12th at 7:00 PM! This comedic show is in-person only and is produced, designed, and performed by CHS students. Tickets are $5 online at and can be purchased until 2 hours before the show. Tickets will be $10 at the door. CHCCS Faculty and Staff can reserve one free ticket at and collect at the box office with ID. Masking and self-screening will be required for entry. Hope to see you there! 1A Play That Goes Wrong.pdf
CHS Spanish Honor Society is having a spirit night Thursday, March 10th at Al's Burger Shack in Southern Village. Dine in or order take-out between 5pm and 8pm and mention that you're with Carrboro Spanish Honor Society to support our community outreach projects and help us promote learning about Spanish language and culture.
The 2022 Prom is on!
The date for the Junior and Senior Prom is April 9th 2022 from 7pm-10:30pm at Union Grove Farm. The theme is Claire de la Lune! Tickets will go on sale March 7th and prices are $45 for an individual and $70 for couples. More details will be emailed soon to Juniors and Seniors!
Adobe Academy Course Offerings for 2022/23 School Year!
You'll stand out in the crowd when you enhance your academic & professional skills by taking Adobe Academy Courses at CHS!
CHS Adobe Academy Courses include:
Adobe Visual Design* (Standards & Honors) - Graphic Design using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign.
Adobe Digital Design (Standards & Honors) - Web Design & Animation using Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop & Animate.
Adobe Video Design (Standards & Honors) - Video Production & Editing using Adobe Premiere Pro & After Effects.
All courses allow you to:
Enhance your creativity & design skills.
Build your career portfolio.
Enjoy a year long FREE subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud, and
Earn Adobe Professional Certifications in Adobe software programs.
Check out this link for videos and details:
2022/23 CHS Adobe Academy Course Offerings
For more information, please see Ms. Landis in E115.
*Adobe Visual Design is a prerequisite for Adobe Digital and Video Design courses.
Current 9th-11th graders: be advised of the timeline below for registration for next year's 2022-23 courses.
Flex Time launch Fri. 2/18
Goal to submit a first draft of seven Primary and two Alternate requests by the end of Flex Time. You are able to re-submit as many times as you want throughout the registration window.
Consultation with teachers, parents, peers, counselors regarding course offerings, recommendations, and selections from Fri. 2/18 through Thurs. 3/24.
Individual counselor meetings will occur with all students starting the week of 2/28 through your English courses.
10th and 11th will reference your 4-yr plan document from our classroom sessions.
PowerSchool registration window closes 3/24 (tentative).
Flex Time Edficiency Requests: Don't forget to submit your requests for Flex Time! Click here to sign in using your school email and submit your requests. This is an opportunity to get help from your teachers, work on assignments, collaborate with your peers, or even sign up for Open Gym!
ARE YOU GRADUATING IN JUNE??? If so, then it's time to start placing your senior orders. You are just a point and click away: Senior SWAG items are pre-delivered and will ship to your home address. Please note the Cap/Gown and Graduation Paper products will ship to the school in the spring. Specific details as to this delivery event will be shared once scheduled. Click here to see the official flyer DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO PLACE YOUR CAP AND GOWN ORDERS.
Jagged Lines, the CHS literary journal, is currently accepting submissions of short stories, poems, essays, and visual art. Today is the last day to upload your submission for a chance to win a $30 Visa gift card or a book of your choice if your work is selected! Submit using the Google Form in this announcement.
Seniors, please take time to visit the scholarship page on the school's website. Many of these scholarships are passing without anyone applying! A little work could mean a big reward!!! If you have questions, please contact your counselor or our CDC Ms. Coley in student services.
All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.