Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Student Announcements: January 8, 2020

There is a SkillsUSA meeting for all members in Ms. Landis' Room, E115, today during lunch.

The Carrboro Athletic Dept is looking for two students to run the LED Board during basketball games and wrestling matches.  Service Learning hours will be given plus additional benefits. See Coach Ross for more details.

Spring Sports will begin on February 12. Students who are interested in trying out must complete the online registration 

( , have a current physical exam on file and a completed Gfeller-Waller Concussion form. Students must have all three requirements completed before picking up a Ticket To Play.  Ticket to Play dates are February 6, 7 and 10. REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE ON FEBRUARY 11 AT 3PM. For more information contact your head coach or Coach Ross, Athletic Director.

Smart Lunch subject today is Math

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.