Starting this July, CHS will be offering a Summer Bridge Camp for students enrolled in one or more Advanced Placement (AP) course for the 2019-2020 school year. The purpose of our summer camp is to prepare students for the AP experience so that they can make a successful transition into their AP courses during the academic year. The Summer Bridge Camp is FREE and open to all students registered for specific AP courses. For more information, see this attached letter or contact Mr. Schendt ( Please RSVP for ALL summer camps by completing the online form: The letter and information can all be found on the CHS website.
Are you looking for volunteer hours this summer? Fill out the google form in the announcements to volunteer at the Chapel Hill Farmers Market with the Leadership and Initiative Club! 4 service hours per market!! Farmers Market Interest Form
Students who owe athletic uniforms and / or equipment must return them asap. Seniors pay fees to Mrs. Phipps, bookkeeper or return uniforms/equipment to Coach Ross. No Tickets to Play will be issued for returning student athletes who have outstanding athletic fees.
Do you have a passion for singing? Are you looking for a place to sing and have fun with others? Come join us today at lunch for an interest meeting in the chorus room for next years all male A Cappella group here at CHS! There will be food and drinks! Bring your friends!
Attention Students! ALL LIBRARY MATERIALS ARE DUE NOW! CCP laptops should be turned in no later than Tuesday, June 11th. Any books, calculators, laptops, or other materials should be returned to the media center ASAP. All fines will be applied to accounts on Wed., June 12th. Seniors, graduation diplomas will not be given until ALL fines are paid. Thank you.
Lost & Found is set up in the Commons. Claim it if it's yours!
The Smart Lunch subject today is English
All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.