Friday, May 17, 2019

Student Announcements: May 17, 2019

Attention Jaguars! The Amateur Radio Direction Finding club is seeking new members.  Are you interested in adventure seeking? Have you ever wanted to track radio frequencies to find cool locations and solve puzzles?  Join the district ARDF club for their next event TOMORROW, Saturday, May 18th. The Beginners class starts at 11:30a for newcomers.   You can start anytime between 11 AM and 2 PM. For more information checkout the posters around the media center and see the attached flyer and link in your announcement.


Are You Ready for some Football??  If you are interested in playing Football for CHS next season, come on out and join the fun this week.  Practice will be from 4 - 6:30. Please check the announcement email and take the time to complete the interest survey using this link Football Interest Survey  If you have any questions, see Coach Lathan in Student Services.

Do you have an interest in mentoring the class of 2023? If so please consider being a Junior Advisory Guide. Next year's focus will be team building and navigating high school. If you would like to become a JAG please complete the linked application: Please contact Mrs. Baker at if you have any questions.

Congrats to the Women's Soccer Team! Advancing to the 4th Round. We play First Flight home on Friday May 17 at 6pm. Admission is $7. Go Jags!! Elite 8!


Now through September 1, teens ages 15-18 can work out at Planet Fitness for FREE!

The Smart Lunch subject today is English

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