Pierre Perrin, a former CHS student and current North Carolina School of Science and Math student will be hosting a session in the CIC on Friday, November 3rd at lunch to assist CHS students with applying to NCSSM for the upcoming school year.
SkillsUSA is meeting in E115, Ms. Landis’ Room, during B Lunch on Thursday. New members are welcome!
Application for the National Honor Society is now open to all eligible students. You must be a current Junior or Senior with a weighted GPA of 3.8 and have 60 Service Learning hours. Please note that having those two requirements does not guarantee admission. Download an application here and submit to Ms. Barkdolloni in TLC1 before 4 pm on November 9.
Wrestling Weight Certification Test will be given on Monday Oct. 30, Tuesday Oct. 31 and Wed. Nov. 1 after school until 4:30pm in the Athletic Training Room. Must have a “Ticket to Play” to take the wrestling weight certification tests.
Tomorrow is Jersday Thursday for spirit week.
C-town shirts are on sale during lunch for $15.
Pie-a-teacher during the pep rally this Friday, the teacher with the most cash in their jar gets a pie in the face. $1 for each vote. Be sure to donate your cash at lunch.
Wednesday’s Smart Lunch Schedule
Healthful Living, Math, World Languages - A Lunch
English - B Lunch
Upcoming college visits for Carrboro High School
Wednesday, Nov. 8 2:15 Salem College
Thursday, Nov. 9 10:45 University of Dublin
Thursday, Nov. 16 11:30 Lynn University (FL)
Students may sign up to attend the college representative visit in the white notebook in the CIC.