Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Student Announcements for Tuesday, October 11, 2016

This week the library is celebrating Teen Read Week with many activities, games and prizes.  Today’s  Cornhole Challenge is “Book, Movie or both?  Stop by for a chance to win a prize!

All students interested in trying out for Winter Sports must register on 8to18, submit a current physical exam and concussion form BEFORE trying out.  See the Athletic Director if you have any questions.  Winter Sports begin on Oct. 31.

There will be a swimming and diving team interest meeting at Carrboro High on Thursday October 13, at 7:00 PM. Location is TBD.  All interested athletes and parents are encouraged to attend to meet the coaches and learn about the upcoming season.

Peer Buddy applications are due by Wednesday, Oct. 12th.  There will be a meeting on Friday during A lunch for all interested in the Peer Buddy program.  This program is designed to bring students together for support and friendship by promoting inclusion of all students.  If you are interested in the Peer Buddy program, you can get an application from Mr. Makor in E114.

Introducing the CHCCS Olympics! This is an extremely exciting tournament between the three schools within the district, the first event is kickball on Saturday, October 22.  If you want to participate, we will be having trials for the selection of the team this Friday during A-lunch. Two teams of twenty will be selected, so bring your A game.

College Representative Visits for the week of October 10th:
Occidental College (CA) - Tuesday, October 11th at 11:30
Please sign up in the CIC to attend a college visit.

Do your part to reduce our school’s environmental impact and dispose of your lunch properly. We now compost dirty paper and food. There are student volunteers to help you use the proper cans. Today let CHS stand for COMPOST, HONOR and SUPPORT!