Monday, April 18, 2016

Student Announcements for Monday, April 18th

Good morning,

Students, SGA Officer elections are this week! Take some time to hear from your candidates. Click here to watch each of their speeches! Click here to read their responses to some questions!

Home Varsity Baseball today at 5pm vs Cedar Ridge.  Come out and support your Jaguars!

What do gold plating and solar cells have in common and how do they work? Find out when the UNC chemistry students return next Thursday in D224 at lunch.

Attention EVERYONE! Boro Blowout is scheduled for April 22nd. This is our day-long celebration and stress reliever before exams. It includes fun inflatables, tons of free food, cool sessions, and raffle prizes all day. Sign up for the dodgeball tournament and for your sessions during lunch through April 15th!

Interested in making a difference on a global scale? Get ready to help eliminate world hunger! Join the CHS Global Issues class on April 26 from 7 pm - 8:30 pm in the commons for an Oxfam Banquet. Food will be provided. Tickets are $3 for students, $5 for adults and free for faculty and staff. See you there!   

On April 27th, the CHS Red Cross Club is hosting a blood drive at the school! If you are at least 16 years old, you can sign up outside the library during lunch starting April 11th through April 26th. Help save lives and sign up!

Seeking JAGs and JAG Administrators for the 16-17 School Year  
1. JAGs set up and run Freshman Orientation and work with small groups of freshman during the first quarter of the year weekly to address social and academic issues through activities and brief lessons.  For a fuller description of responsibilities see
Questions??? - See Ms. Johnson in C-111;

The SECU club is collecting small, travel sized toiletries (like the ones in hotel rooms) to place in the guest rooms at the SECU family house.  Please consider donating some of these items. You can bring them into the main office.  

The Unity Club is helping a graduated senior fundraiser for a Community Center in Teneres in the Dominican Republic. Our goal is $5,000  We have raised $1000 thus far. For information, please see: and  

Attention: people who want to wear a tux to prom! Men’s Warehouse is offering a fundraiser for our Prom 2016.  We will get a portion of the proceeds for every tux rented by a Carrboro High School student.  Make sure you let them know that you are from CHS when you go to get fitted, and you can also ask about being a prom rep to earn yourself a free tux rental.  

There is a group of Karen refugees from Myanmar (Burma) who were CHS students or who are about to graduate that would like to make a trip to Thailand to reconnect with their culture as well as long lost family and friends whom remain in refugee camps. How can you help?  There will be a food (Asian, Thai, Karen) fundraising event  on Saturday April 30th from 9am to 2pm @ Transplanting Traditions Community Farm 2912 Jones Ferry Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27516. You can get a ticket from: Mr. Hite, Tay Nay Sar, Eh Mu Ra, Mu Eh Pay, Paw Ray and Ser Gay Paw.  During Boro Blowout there will be a table where you can buy tickets and sample some Karen food. One can also donate directly at:  Thank you for your support!

Reminder that Service Learning hours is a requirement for graduation. See what opportunities there are, check your hours and so on at:

Applications are now available for the Athletic Booster Club- Susan Price $1000 scholarship awarded to one senior male and one senior female athlete.
Applications are available from April Ross, Athletic Director
Application Deadline is April 25 at 4:00 pm
Scholarship is Sponsored by Athletic Booster Club
Winners will be announced at the May Senior Assembly
--Must be a senior enrolled at CHS
--Must participate on at least one CHS varsity athletic tea
--Must have plans to attend a 2 or 4 year college/university or   accredited technical school
--May not be related to officers of the CHS Athletic Booster Club or Athletic Department Staff

The Coy Maddry Memorial Scholarship applications are available.  This is a faith based scholarship of $1000.00.  Deadline is May 6. See Coach Ross for an application.