This is Principal LaVerne Mattocks with some end-of-year updates for Carrboro High School families. We are very pleased with the things our students have accomplished during the 2013-2014 term. As we slide into the home stretch, it is important to remember the following:(1) Each day, including June 12, is a regular school day. We will take attendance each day. Carrboro High School does not encourage students to stay home from school whether they have a final exam or culminating project. It is a family's decision to make about whether a student comes to school or not. We will take attendance each day.(2) Carrboro High School is still reviewing attendance appeals for students with more than 30+ absences in a course. If you have questions about your appeal status, contact your Administrator.(3) Carrboro High School will mail final report cards and updated course selections for 2014-2015 on June 16, 2014.(4) Carrboro High School Commencement Ceremony is Saturday, June 14, at 5:00 pm, in the Dean Smith Center on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill. We hope to see you there. Feel free to contact the Guidance Department (x. 25999) or an Administrator (x. 25900) with any questions. Thank you for all the support and cooperation this year! It's been a great year to be a Carrboro Jaguar! Have a great day.