Updates for Carrboro High School families. This week's announcements:
(1) Monday, April 21: Carrboro High School will conduct grade-level assemblies during the afternoon. The assembly topics include PBIS Student Awards, CHS Honor Code & Academic Integrity review, and the SGA Candidate Movie. We anticipate thirty to thirty-five minutes for the assemblies. By combining the assembly and SGA elections activity, we hope to lessen the interruptions over multiple days.
(2) Also, Monday, April 21, everybody come on out to Chipotle between 5:00-8:00 pm to support the JagWire fundraising night. There are flyers around the school to show to the cashier (or take a picture of one of the flyers) at Chipotle on Monday, April 21, and 50% of the proceeds from your order go to the JagWire. The JagWire staff hopes to see you all there!
(3) Tuesday, April 22: PBIS Positive Tuesday! We will operate on an Extended Fourth Period Schedule so teachers and students can engage in a discussion about the CHS Honor Code & Academic Integrity in advance of the testing season. Addressing these issues aligns with the CHCCS Long Range Plan Strategy 3.4:
-Create a renewed emphasis on academic and personal integrity specifically at the high school level. *There is no online survey or whole-school broadcast associated with Positive Tuesday.
(4) This week we begin the Five Days in Spring instructional enhancement series. Teachers have spoken to students in their classes about these opportunities to spend additional time with core concepts and course topics. PLCs have determined the teachers and topics of focus. We have posters with Five Days in Spring teachers in the four core subjects (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies) on both floors of the building for students' planning purposes. As parents, if you have additional questions about this undertaking, feel free to contact the Guidance Department (x. 25999) or your child's administrator.
(5) Carrboro High School continues to solicit proctors for AP tests between May 5-16. We really need more volunteers. Anyone able to assist should contact Leigh Ann Lombardi via school email or at 919-918-2200 x 25004.
Thank you for your time and attention to these announcements. Again, it remains a great time to be a Carrboro Jaguar!