Interested in being a Senior Class Council Officer? All seniors are welcome to apply. See Mrs. Cerda-Smith this week in room E220. Our first meeting is September 4 during lunch.
Freshman - if you are interested in being a part of your Freshman class council come to our first meeting during lunch next week. We will meet on Friday September 6 in room E214.
We have some outstanding new Jaguars on faculty this year! Please be sure to welcome them to the family when you see them and check out their bios on our school Twitter @CHSJaguars!
Carrboro's a cappella group Unnecessary Measures will be holding auditions on September 9th and 10th. If you're interested in auditioning, please sign up for a time on the bulletin board outside the choir room.
Please make sure to check your email to nominate your teacher and support staff person of the month! Simply fill out the form and detail why you think they should be recognized as teacher of the month. This will be done on a monthly basis and look forward to your submissions. Feel free to submit for multiple teachers!
Today will be a closed campus for seniors. There will be a mandatory senior meeting during lunch in the auditorium to discuss important information that you will need to know about college applications and scholarships.
We are looking for more volunteers to help tutor Math 1 and Math 2 ESL students during Wednesday Smart Lunch. Spanish speaking skills would be very helpful. Service hours given. Email Ms. Ollila if you are interested:
Smart Lunch will begin next week
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