Friday, November 30, 2018

Student Announcements: November 30, 2018

There will be a field trip to East Chapel Hill High's annual Historically Black College University Fair Friday, January 25, 2019, from 12 pm – 3:30 pm.  If you would like to attend this great opportunity, complete the field trip permission form and return by Monday, December 3, 2018, to Ms. Coley in the CIC – B225. There are 32 spots remaining.

Enter READ Club's The Hate U Give raffle supporting Books on Break, $1 is equivalent to one entry, enter with as many chances as you please! For every 5 people you refer to enter, you get another free entry. Look for Omia Haroon or Julia Conner at lunch, dm us @read.chs on instagram, or email us with with any questions or if you'd like to enter!

Come down on December 6th-8th to see the Carrboro High One-Act Festival! Featuring your fellow students, the One-Acts promise to be a night full of laughs, fun, and togetherness. Tickets are $5 for students, $ 10 for adults, and free for faculty and staff. You can buy your tickets online at Doors to the Theater open at 7:00 and the show starts at 7:30. Show your support for CHS Theatre!

There will be a Peer Buddy lunch on Tuesday - plan to bring your lunch & join us in D122!

The Annual Red Cross Winter Blood Drive will be held on Monday, December 17th. Please visit the table in front of the Media Center to schedule a time to donate.

The Smart Lunch subject today is English

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Student Announcements: November 29, 2018

There will be a field trip to East Chapel Hill High's annual Historically Black College University Fair (HBCU) Friday, January 25, 2019, from 12 pm – 3:30 pm.  If you would like to attend this great opportunity, complete the field trip permission form and return by Monday, December 3, 2018, to Ms. Coley in the CIC – B225. There are 32 spots remaining.

YLI will meet today during lunch in Mr. Murchinson's room, D217. There will be a special presentation by a guest speaker and snacks will be provided.

READ Club is holding The Hate U Give themed raffle to help fund for Books on Break, a program devoted to providing books to K-5 students who need them for the summer to keep forever! Enter with just $1 for your chance to win from three prizes, A Collectors Edition or Movie Tie In edition of The Hate U Give or a The Hate U Give RedBubble sticker pack! Look for us at lunch, dm us @read.chs on instagram, or email us with with any questions or if you'd like to enter!

Come down on December 6th-8th to see the Carrboro High One-Act Festival! Featuring your fellow students, the One-Acts promise to be a night full of laughs, fun, and togetherness. Tickets are $5 for students, $ 10 for adults, and free for faculty and staff. You can buy your tickets online at Doors to the Theater open at 7:00 and the show starts at 7:30. Show your support for CHS Theatre!

Please join us for  CultureFest TONIGHT beginning at 6:00. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn about cultures and traditions in our community!

The Smart Lunch subject today is Social Studies

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Student Announcements: November 28, 2018

The powderpuff game for all grades will start at 6 TONIGHT at the football field. Buy tickets at the game to watch your fellow classmates play against each other. You can ALSO enter the raffle to help raise funds for the sophomore class council and buy snacks and drinks at the concession stand. Come out for a good time!

All Winter Sports teams will meet in the auditorium today at 3:30pm. Teachers will dismiss at 3:25pm. If you are testing or have a presentation which requires you to stay, we will contact you at a later time.

This is a reminder for all DECA students attending Districts on Thursday, November 29th that there will be a practice session today to prepare for the competition in Ms. Francis room during lunch.

There will be a field trip to East Chapel Hill High's annual Historically Black College University Fair (HBCU) Friday, January 25, 2019, from 12 pm – 3:30 pm.  If you would like to attend this great opportunity, complete the field trip permission form and return by Monday, December 3, 2018, to Ms. Coley in the CIC – B225. There are 32 spots remaining.

Please make plans to attend CultureFest tomorrow night at 6 PM

The Smart Lunch subject today is Math

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Student Announcements: November 27, 2018

The Media Center will be closed through 5th period due to PreACT testing.   Please do not send students to the media center until the completion of testing today.

The powderpuff game for all grades will start at 6 pm TOMORROW at the football field. Buy tickets at the game to watch your fellow classmates play against each other. You can also enter in the raffle to help raise funds for the sophomore class council and buy snacks and drinks at the concession stand. Come out for a good time!

There will be a field trip to East Chapel Hill High's annual Historically Black College University Fair (HBCU) Friday, January 25, 2019, from 12 pm – 3:30 pm.  If you would like to attend this great opportunity, complete the field trip permission form and return by Monday, December 3, 2018, to Ms. Coley in the CIC – B225. There are 32 spots remaining.

This is a reminder for all DECA students attending Districts on Thursday, November 29th that there will be a practice session today to prepare for the competition in Ms. Francis room during lunch. (Francis)

The Smart Lunch subject today is Science

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Student Announcements: November 26, 2018

This year's CultureFest event will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! Students and families can participate in a variety of ways! The first step is just to show up! We also encourage families to share a part of their culture with our community by preparing a dish from their own family traditions or culture. If you are interested in contributing, please use the Google Form to indicate the type of dish you will be preparing. For questions, see Mr. Schendt.

The Fall Sports Awards Ceremony will be held tonight 7-8 PM in the CHS Auditorium

This is a reminder that all 10th graders will be taking the PACT tomorrow starting at 8:45am.  Testing locations are posted outside of the CIC and the Media Center. Students should go directly to their testing room and be prepared with a number 2 pencil and calculator.

The powderpuff game for all grades will start at 6 pm Wednesday at the football field. Buy tickets at the game to watch your fellow classmates play against each other. You can also enter in the raffle to help raise funds for the sophomore class council and buy snacks and drinks at the concession stand. Come out for a good time!

The Smart Lunch subjects today are CTE, World Language, Arts, and Healthful Living

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Student Announcements: November 20, 2018

This year's CultureFest event will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! Students and families can participate in a variety of ways! The first step is just to show up! We also encourage families to share a part of their culture with our community by preparing a dish from their own family traditions or culture. If you are interested in contributing, please use the Google Form to indicate the type of dish you will be preparing. For questions, see Mr. Schendt.

Peer Buddies - We are thankful for you!  Bring your lunch and join us today in D122 for a Peer Buddy Lunch with games!

Duke University will be accepting applications for their STAR Summer Program from November 19 until January 11. An information session will be held on December 12 at 8:45 am in the media center. Please see the attached flyer in emailed announcements for more details.

The Smart Lunch subject today is Science

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Student Announcements: November 16, 2018

URGENT -  ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS.The Fall application period for National Honor Society is now open. All applications must be returned to Ms. Barkdolloni in TLC 1 before 2 pm today.NO late applications will be accepted!

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors it is time to get your tickets to the T Dance! The price is $40 for 2 and $25 for 1 and can be purchased from Committee members in the Commons during lunch this week. The dance will be held at the Hope Valley Country Club November 24th from 8 to Midnight. Get your tickets early! The price will increase  as we approach the dance! Check your email for more information. Committee Members are: Kally Kumnic, Lily Tipton, Julia Sistache, Nicole Noel, Annelise Cox, Charlotte Ellis, Olivia Hall, Claire Himmel and Carson Overbeck

Monday, November 19th, 2018 at 4:00,  the Carrboro High Girls Group and Kings group will host the 1st annual CO-ED flag football tournament fundraiser. Cost is $5 per person and 7 people are allowed on a team. Please see Edward Pegues or Kareen Taylor to sign up.

This year's CultureFest event will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! Students and families can participate in a variety of ways! The first step is just to show up! We also encourage families to share a part of their culture with our community by preparing a dish from their own family traditions or culture. If you are interested in contributing, please use the Google Form to indicate the type of dish you will be preparing. For questions, see Mr. Schendt.

Seniors - Herff – Jones will be here for a brief informational meeting regarding Caps and Gowns today during lunch in the Gym. There will be no off campus lunch so that all seniors can get this information.

The Smart Lunch subject today is English

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Student Announcements: November 15, 2018

ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS.The Fall application period for National Honor Society is now open. All applications must be returned to Ms. Barkdolloni in TLC 1 before 2 pm tomorrow. A link to the application can be found in your email (here). No applications will be accepted after 2:00 pm tomorrow!

Monday, November 19th, 2018 at 4:00,  the Carrboro High Girls Group and Kings group will host the 1st annual CO-ED flag football tournament fundraiser. Cost is $5 per person and 7 people are allowed on a team. Please see Edward Pegues or Kareen Taylor to sign up.

YLI will meet today during lunch in Mr. Murchinson's Room, D217. Snacks will be provided!

Seniors - Herff – Jones will be here for a brief informational meeting regarding Caps and Gowns tomorrow during lunch in the Gym. There will be no off campus lunch so that all seniors can get this information.  Please save the date and make sure that you are present!

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors it is time to get your tickets to the T Dance! The price is $40 for 2 and $25 for 1 and can be purchased from Committee members in the Commons during lunch this week. The dance will be held at the Hope Valley Country Club November 24th from 8 to Midnight. Get your tickets early! The price will increase  as we approach the dance! Check your email for more information. Committee Members are: Kally Kumnic, Lily Tipton, Julia Sistache, Nicole Noel, Annelise Cox, Charlotte Ellis, Olivia Hall, Claire Himmel and Carson Overbeck

This year's CultureFest event will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! Students and families can participate in a variety of ways! The first step is just to show up! We also encourage families to share a part of their culture with our community by preparing a dish from their own family traditions or culture. If you are interested in contributing, please use the Google Form to indicate the type of dish you will be preparing. For questions, see Mr. Schendt.

The Smart Lunch subject today is Social Studies

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Daily Announcements: November 14, 2018

ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS.The Fall application period for National Honor Society is now open. All applications must be returned to Ms. Barkdolloni in TLC 1 before 2 pm November 16th. The application is attached in your email (here).

YLI will meet tomorrow during lunch in Mr. Murchinson's Room, D217. Snacks will be provided!

Attention all Writers! It's NaNoWriMo month and we encourage all NaNoWriMers to come check in during lunch tomorrow in the Library workroom. We will have two word sprints next week Monday and Tuesday before school in the media center. Mark your calendars!  We encourage all writers to take advantage of these great opportunities! Don't forget to log your word count progress on the chart in the library.

Governor Roy Cooper has declared today North Carolina Career Development Coordinator Day! Stop by the Student Services office to let Ms. Coley know how much you appreciate her. Click the link in your email to view the official proclamation.  

November 19th, 2018 the Carrboro High Girls Group and Kings group will be hosting the 1st annual CO-ED flag football tournament fundraiser. Cost is  $5 per person and 7 people are allowed on a team. If you want to sign up please see Edward Pegues or Kareen Taylor.

Seniors - Herff – Jones will be here for a brief informational meeting regarding Caps and Gowns on November 16th during lunch in the Gym. There will be no off campus lunch so that all seniors can get this information.  Please save the date and make sure that you are present

This year's CultureFest event will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! Students and families can participate in a variety of ways! The first step is just to show up! We also encourage families to share a part of their culture with our community by preparing a dish from their own family traditions or culture. If you are interested in contributing, please use the Google Form to indicate the type of dish you will be preparing. For questions, see Mr. Schendt.

There is a mandatory meeting for all DECA members  today in Ms. Francis' room, E212 during lunch. In addition, all DECA members attending Districts on Thursday, November 29  will need to take a "section" test in the Library today, November 14 or Friday, November 16 during 5th and part of 6th period. Any questions or clarification please attend the mandatory DECA member meeting in Ms. Francis room, E212 today during lunch.

The Smart Lunch subject today is Math

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Student Announcements: November 13, 2018

Aveda Institute will be in the commons today from 12:15 pm - 1:10 pm.

The UNC Navy ROTC will be in the commons during lunch today.

YLI will meet today during lunch in Mr. Murchinson's Room, D217. Snacks will be provided!

November 19th, 2018 the Carrboro High Girls Group and Kings group will be hosting the 1st annual CO-ED flag football tournament fundraiser. Costs is  $5 a person and 7 people are allowed on a team. If you want to sign up please see Edward Pegues or Kareen Taylor starting today.

Unity Club today in E112. We will have a special visitor!

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors it is time to get your tickets to the T Dance! The price is $40 for 2 and $25 for 1 and can be purchased from Committee members in the Commons during lunch this week. The dance will be held at the Hope Valley Country Club November 24th from 8 to Midnight. Get your tickets early! The price will increase  as we approach the dance! Check your email for more information. Committee Members are: Kally Kumnic, Lily Tipton, Julia Sistache, Nicole Noel, Annelise Cox, Charlotte Ellis, Olivia Hall, Claire Himmel and Carson Overbeck

If you are serious about traveling to Guatemala this summer, there is a meeting for parents TONIGHT at 5:30 in D214

ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS.The Fall application period for National Honor Society is now open. All applications must be returned to Ms. Barkdolloni in TLC 1 before 2 pm November 16th. The application is attached in your email (here).

This year's CultureFest event will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! Students and families can participate in a variety of ways! The first step is just to show up! We also encourage families to share a part of their culture with our community by preparing a dish from their own family traditions or culture. If you are interested in contributing, please use the Google Form to indicate the type of dish you will be preparing. For questions, see Mr. Schendt.

Seniors - Herff – Jones will be here for a brief informational meeting regarding Caps and Gowns on November 16th during lunch in the Gym. There will be no off campus lunch so that all seniors can get this information.  Please save the date and make sure that you are present

Congratulations to our CHS Quizbowl Team for finishing 3rd and qualifying for the National Championships at the Enloe Tournament!

The Smart Lunch subject today is Science

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Student Announcements: November 9, 2018

Did you participate in Class Color Day? Check in with a SGA representative at lunch today to get your name checked off and receive a raffle ticket for the drawing. There will be a prize for the class with highest percentage of participation during Homecoming Week!

ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS....The Fall application period for National Honor Society is now open. The application period will be open from Tuesday November 6th until Friday the 16th. All apps must be returned to Ms. Barkdolloni in TLC 1 before 2 pm on the 16th. The application is attached in your email (here).

Congratulations to Miriam Shuchat-Marx for winning two free tickets to the Homecoming Dance and a library prize pack through the Media Center's Teen Read Week contest! Way to go, Miriam!

November 19th, 2018 the Carrboro High Girls Group and Kings group will be hosting the 1st annual CO-ED flag football tournament fundraiser. It cost $5 a person and 7 people are allowed on a team. If you want to sign up please see Edward Pegues and Kareen Taylor starting Tuesday, November 13th.

Secure your tickets for the homecoming celebration after the homecoming game today! Tickets are 1 for $10, 2 for $10, or a ticket and a shirt for $25. And remember to starting gathering your best 80s gear for the game and the celebration afterwards in the Cafe Commons.

Please come out and support your Jaguar Football Team at the Homecoming Game tonight! The game begins at 7:30. Also, we hope to see you at the Homecoming Celebration from 9:00 until 11:30 in the Cafe' Commons.

Interested in playing Powderpuff for the junior class? Sign up at the tables outside of the library at lunch this week!

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors it is time to get your tickets to the T Dance! The price is $40 for 2 and $25 for 1 and can be purchased from Committee members in the Commons during lunch next week. The dance will be held at the Hope Valley Country Club November 24th from 8 to Midnight. Get your tickets early! The price will increase  as we approach the dance! Check your email for more information. Committee Members are: Kally Kumnic, Lily Tipton, Julia Sistache, Nicole Noel, Annelise Cox, Charlotte Ellis, Olivia Hall, Claire Himmel and Carson Overbeck

It is with great excitement that we announce the date and details of our annual CultureFest. This year's event will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! For those new to our school community or those who haven't participated before, this night is aimed at celebrating our school's diverse community and sharing parts of our culture with each other through food, discussion, and entertainment. Stay tuned for more details about how to participate. For questions, see Mr. Schendt.

The AIS Council is excited to also announce a new event coming to CHS this year! CultureFest 2018 will now feature the CultureFest Film Showcase. Students who may be interested in submitting an original short film about a current event or international issue should use the interest form is attached in your announcements email: Film Showcase Interest Form. Topic submissions should be made using the Google Form by Friday, November 9th. You may also find more information on flyers throughout the school, attached here. For questions or more information, see Mr. Schendt, Ms. Stegall, or AIS representatives Kai Nilsen and Fiona Galinsky.

Juniors and seniors, please take time to complete the students services' survey sent to your school email. The links to surveys will be in the emailed announcements.

Link for juniors

Link for seniors

The UNC Navy ROTC will be in the commons during lunch Tuesday, Nov 13.

Aveda Institute will be in the commons on Tuesday, Nov 13 from 12:15 pm - 1:05 pm.


Spelman College is hosting an admissions preview session tonight at 7pm at the Renaissance North Hills Hotel. See the attached information flyer.

If you are interested in traveling to Guatemala this summer, come to D214 TODAY at lunch to find out more

The Smart Lunch subject today is English

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Student Announcements: November 8, 2018

Did you participate in Jersday Thursday? Check in with a SGA representative at lunch today to get your name checked off and receive a raffle ticket for the drawing. There will be a prize for the class with highest percentage of participation during Homecoming Week!

ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS....The Fall application period for National Honor Society is now open. This period will be open from Tuesday November 6th until Friday the 16th. All apps must be returned to Ms. Barkdolloni in TLC 1 before 2 pm on the 16th. The application is attached in your email (here).

Secure your tickets for the homecoming celebration after the homecoming game on Friday! Tickets are 1 for $10, 2 for $10, or a ticket and a shirt for $25. And remember to starting gathering your best 80s gear for the game and the celebration afterwards in the Cafe Commons.

Don't forget tomorrow's Homecoming activities and the final day of Spirit Week with Class Color Day; Freshman: Gray, Sophomores: Purple - Juniors: Black and Seniors wear White.

If you missed out on One-Act auditions yesterday, please join us today from 4:00 - 7:00 PM in the Theater, or for as long as your schedule will allow.  Callbacks will occur during this time frame as well. All students are welcome. No materials are required! Just bring yourself! Please visit to sign up.

Juniors and seniors, please take time to complete the students services' survey sent to your school email. The links to surveys will be in the emailed announcements.

Link for juniors

Link for seniors

Interested in playing Powderpuff for the junior class? Sign up at the tables outside of the library at lunch this week!  

A representative from North Carolina Central University will be in room D217 during lunch Thursday, Nov. 8.

It is with great excitement that we announce the date and details of our annual CultureFest. This year's event will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! For those new to our school community or those who haven't participated before, this night is aimed at celebrating our school's diverse community and sharing parts of our culture with each other through food, discussion, and entertainment. Stay tuned for more details about how to participate. For questions, see Mr. Schendt.

The AIS Council is excited to also announce a new event coming to CHS this year! CultureFest 2018 will now feature the CultureFest Film Showcase. Students who may be interested in submitting an original short film about a current event or international issue should use the interest form is attached in your announcements email: Film Showcase Interest Form. Topic submissions should be made using the Google Form by Friday, November 9th. You may also find more information on flyers throughout the school, attached here. For questions or more information, see Mr. Schendt, Ms. Stegall, or AIS representatives Kai Nilsen and Fiona Galinsky.

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors it is time to get your tickets to the T Dance! The price is $40 for 2 and $25 for 1 and can be purchased from Committee members in the Commons during lunch next week. The dance will be held at the Hope Valley Country Club November 24th from 8 to Midnight. Get your tickets early! The price will increase  as we approach the dance! Check your email for more information. Committee Members are: Kally Kumnic, Lily Tipton, Julia Sistache, Nicole Noel, Annelise Cox, Charlotte Ellis, Olivia Hall, Claire Himmel and Carson Overbeck

Spelman College is hosting an admissions preview session Friday, November 9th at 7pm at the Renaissance North Hills Hotel. See the attached information flyer.

Today's meeting about our summer trip to Guatemala has been CANCELLED. Please attend tomorrow's lunch meeting if you can.

The Smart Lunch subject today is Social Studies

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Student Announcements: November 7, 2018

Did you participate in Wacky Wednesday? Check in with an SGA representative at lunch today to get your name checked off and receive a raffle ticket for the drawing. There will be a prize for the class with highest percentage of participation during Homecoming Week! Remember to show your pride tomorrow for Jersday Thursday!

ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS....The Fall application period for National Honor Society is now open. Juniors and Seniors. This period will be open from Tuesday November 6th until Friday the 16th. All apps must be returned to Ms. Barkdolloni in TLC 1 before 2 pm on the 16th. The application is attached in your email (here).

Secure your tickets for the homecoming celebration after the homecoming game on Friday! Tickets are 1 for $10, 2 for $10, or a ticket and a shirt for $25. And remember to starting gathering your best 80's gear for the game and the celebration afterwards in the Cafe Commons.

Are you interested in playing Powderpuff for the Junior class? Sign up at the tables outside of the library at lunch this week!

Juniors and seniors, please take time to complete the students services' survey sent to your school email. The links to surveys will be in the emailed announcements.

Link for juniors

Link for seniors

It is with great excitement that we announce the date and details of our annual CultureFest. This year's event will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! For those new to our school community or those who haven't participated before, this night is aimed at celebrating our school's diverse community and sharing parts of our culture with each other through food, discussion, and entertainment. Stay tuned for more details about how to participate. For questions, see Mr. Schendt.

The AIS Council is excited to also announce a new event coming to CHS this year! CultureFest 2018 will now feature the CultureFest Film Showcase. Students who may be interested in submitting an original short film about a current event or international issue should use the interest form is attached in your announcements email: Film Showcase Interest Form. Topic submissions should be made using the Google Form by Friday, November 9th. You may also find more information on flyers throughout the school, attached here. For questions or more information, see Mr. Schendt, Ms. Stegall, or AIS representatives Kai Nilsen and Fiona Galinsky.

Interested being a part of the CHS Winter One-Acts? You're in luck! Xanadu Productions is holding auditions for our One-Acts today from 4:00 - 8:00 PM in the Theater.  Join us for as long as your schedule will allow. Callbacks will be tomorrow from 4:00-6:00 PM in the Auditorium. All students are welcome. No materials are required! Just bring yourself! Please visit to sign up.

Spelman College is hosting an admissions preview session Friday, November 9th at 7pm at the Renaissance North Hills Hotel. See the attached information flyer.

If you want to learn more about this summer's trip to Guatemala, talk to the students under the banner in the commons today at lunch. Interest meeting this Thursday and Friday in D214

The Smart Lunch subject today is Math

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Student Announcements: November 5, 2018

Stop by the media center TODAY AT LUNCH to meet Author Julie C. Dao.  She is the author of the book, Forest of a Thousand Lanterns, and will share her newest book, Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix! Learn to write your fantasy and listen to her presentation! Bring a friend and tweet your excitement to meet her @jules_writes! If you want to order a personal copy of the book, you can do so here.  

Juniors and seniors, please take time to complete the students services' survey sent to your school email. The links to surveys will be in the emailed announcements.

Link for juniors

Link for seniors

Congratulations to the CHS Quizbowl Team for placing 3rd at the Duke Invitational Tournament this past Saturday. Liam Himmel and Gabe Hart both placed among the top individual scorers.

It's (Na-No-WRY-mo) NaNoWriMo month, so we are challenging everyone to write a novel during the month of November! You can still sign up for NaNoWriMo in the library. Let's get writing, novelists!

Congratulations to our Women's Cross Country Team, 2018 2A NCHSAA State Champions! Hannah Preisser won the individual state title with a time of 18:59. Hannah became the 7th runner in the history of Carrboro Cross Country to win a State Title.  Congrats to Madeline Ramsden, Louise Lounes, Selia Lounes, Cora Van Raay, Hayley Guerry, Lia Miller and Hannah Preisser. Congrats to Coach O'Grady, Coach Straub and Coach Lyons.

Shout out to Our Men's Cross Country for placing 11th in the State Championship! Great improvement from last year's 20th place in the state meet.  Keep an eye on this team next Fall!

Congratulations to our Men's Soccer Team in the 1st round of the State Playoffs. We defeated North Lenoir 3-0 on Sat.  We will play Croatan in the 2nd round on Tuesday Nov. 6 at 6pm. Admission is $7.00. CHS passes cannot be used for state playoffs.

A representative from North Carolina Central University will be in room D217 during lunch Thursday, Nov. 8.

Did you participate in Character Monday? Check in with a SGA representative at lunch today to get your name checked off and receive a raffle ticket for the drawing. There will be a prize for the class with highest percentage of participation during Homecoming Week!

Secure your tickets for the homecoming celebration after the homecoming game on Friday! Tickets are 1 for $10, 2 for $10, or a ticket and a shirt for $25. And remember to starting gathering your best 80s gear for the game and the celebration afterwards Cafe Commons.

No Spirit Day tomorrow but wear our wackiest ensemble on Wednesday.

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Twelve Angry Jurors on a successful fall production!  Please stay posted for more information on upcoming theatre auditions and opportunities.  

Interested in being a part of the CHS Winter One-Acts? You're in luck! Xanadu Productions is holding auditions for our One-Acts today or Wednesday with callbacks on Thursday from 4:00-6:00 PM in the Auditorium. All students are welcome. No materials are required! Just bring yourself! Please visit to sign up.

Spelman College is hosting an admissions preview session Friday, November 9th at 7pm at the Renaissance North Hills Hotel. See the attached information flyer.

It is with great excitement that we announce the date and details of our annual CultureFest. This year's event will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! The AIS Council is excited to also announce a new event coming to CHS this year! CultureFest 2018 will now feature the CultureFest Film Showcase. Students nterested in submitting an original short film about a current event or international issue should use the interest form is attached in your announcements email: Film Showcase Interest Form. Topic submissions should be made using the Google Form by Friday, November 9th. You may also find more information on flyers throughout the school, attached here. For questions or more information, see Mr. Schendt, Ms. Stegall, or AIS representatives Kai Nilsen and Fiona Galinsky.

If you want to learn more about this summer's trip to Guatemala, talk to the students under the banner in the commons today at lunch. Interest meeting this Thursday and Friday in D214 (Klakovich)

Girls Group will be meeting in room D123. Feel free to bring your lunch.

Carrboro Kings boys group will be meeting in room E114  and the Girls Group will meet in Room D123 during lunch. Feel free to bring your lunch and a friend to help expand our goals.

The Smart Lunch subjects today are CTE, World Language, Arts, and Healthful Living

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