Monday, February 23, 2015

Student Announcements for Monday, February 23rd

Good morning,
Seniors:  Have you ordered your cap and gown yet?  Late orders must be placed on the Herff Jones website https://highschool.herffjones.comby March 15.  You must have a cap, gown, stole, 2015 tassel, as well as, paid senior fee to participate in the Graduation Ceremony June 13th at 5:00 PM at the Smith Center.  Please remember not to schedule any activities the week of June 8th-12th (college orientations, work, trips) Rehearsal practice is mandatory for Graduation participation and will be held in this week.  We will make an announcement on the exact day and time once the Smith Center has assigned our time.

Carrboro High School's Special Olympics Club is hosting a Project Unify Soccer Event!
We're looking for players!  Look for sign up sheets in the Commons during lunch, or see Grace Nanney or Mrs. Barry to sign up.
This is a FUN event!  No experience necessary!  
Play will take place in the CHS Gym:
on Saturday, February 28, 10-11:30 
Saturday, March 14, 1-4pm

Seniors, if you are interested in purchasing a senior ad and being remembered in the yearbook, follow this link to complete the survey: 

                        SMART LUNCH SCHEDULE

A Lunch
·  English Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Social Studies Tutorial
·  Arts Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Math Tutorial
·  Arts Tutorial
·  Healthful Living Tutorial
·  Peer Tutoring Club
·  Outdoor Soccer
·  Silent Study
·  Science Tutorial
·  CTE Tutorial
·  Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.

Silent Study
B Lunch
·  Math Tutorial
·  CTE Tutorial
·  NHS Peer Tutoring
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Science Tutorial
·  World Languages Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  English Tutorial
·  Outdoor Soccer
·  Silent Study
·  Social Studies Tutorial
·  World Language Tutorial
·  Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.

Silent Study

........and have a great day.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Student Annuoncements for Friday, February 13th

Good morning,

Carrboro High School Theatre Department will host our annual Shakespeare Competition this Friday, February 13 during lunch in the Black Box, C-114.  Contestants should memorize and perform a Shakespearean monologue no longer that twenty (20) lines (verse or prose) according to the Folger Shakespeare Library editions of the plays.  All CHS students are encouraged to participate, and we ask that those interested sign up on the call board outside C-114 by Thursday, February 12.
1st: $25 and advancement to Branch Competition
2nd: $15 and is an alternate for Branch Competition
3rd: $10 and certificate
All participants will receive a certificate.
Student Resources

Attention CHS Class of 2017!  You can now order Sophomore class t-shirts for $20.  All profits will help us have a great Prom next year. Please see Mrs. Dumaine, Issy Chung, Zoe Hurwitz, Taylor Gosk, Avery Hutcheson or Elizabeth Olilla to order a shirt by Feb. 13
(If you would like to see what the shirts look like, click on this link: Class of 17 Shirt Slide)

Seniors:  Have you ordered your cap and gown yet?  Late orders must be placed on the Herff Jones website https://highschool.herffjones.comby March 15.You must have a cap, gown, stole, 2015 tassel, as well as, paid senior fee to participate in the Graduation Ceremony June 13th at 5:00 PM at the Smith Center.Please remember not to schedule any activities the week of June 8th-12th (college orientations, work, trips) Rehearsal practice is mandatory for Graduation participation and will be held in this week.  We will make an announcement on the exact day and time once the Smith Center has assigned our time.

All ESL students have a state mandatory ACCESS Test this Friday,  February 13th; periods 1, 3 and possibly some of 5th. Students to meet in the Auditorium by the time the 1st period bell rings.
Did you forget something at Snowball?? LOST AND FOUND ITEMS are currently being held in the front office. Unclaimed items at the end of this week will be donated.
Carrboro High School's Special Olympics Club is hosting a Project Unify Soccer Event!
We're looking for players!  Look for sign up sheets in the Commons during lunch, or see Grace Nanney or Mrs. Barry to sign up.
This is a FUN event!  No experience necessary!  
Play will take place in the CHS Gym:
on Saturday, February 28, 10-11:30 
Saturday, March 14, 1-4pm
Composting starts February 17th! If you would like to volunteer, come to the meeting this Friday, February 13th in Mr. Klakovich's room (D214).
Looking for a way to make a difference, share your ideas? Be a part of The JagWire. Currently accepting applications for the 2015-2016 staff. Visit for the online application. Staff positions include writers, designers, a staff photographer and illustrator/artist. Questions?

Spring Sport Tryout Dates and Times are posted on the Athletic Webpage

"Come and enjoy a fundraiser dinner at Al's Burgers on Monday, February 16th! Al's will donate a portion of their proceeds from that night to this year's Prom."

Calling all high school students: Martin Luther King, Jr. used his words to change history. How will you use yours? To participate, go to Grand prize: $5,000!  Contest timeline: December 25, 2014 – Feb. 15, 2015

Donate to the Key Club's local SECU food drive.  Please bring in canned or boxed foods and other household items.  Collection boxes are in Room E220 and the Main Office.

All 9th, 10th and 11th  grade students need to know how to log in to their Power School accounts. Course registration will be done through Power School this year (NOT Career Cruising).  If you do not know your log-in information, please see Mrs. Brooks in the guidance office as soon as possible.  Guidance will be visiting your classrooms beginning Feb 17 through Feb 19th.  Students are also welcome to attend the registration open house on Feb 17th from 6:30-8pm for more information about courses.

CHS is happy to announce the start of a Peer Buddy Program.  The purpose of this program is to promote inclusion of all students, facilitate friendships, build leadership and promote acceptance, understanding and awareness of differences.  Students will meet with their buddy once a week during lunch, training will be provided and Service Learning Hours will be given.  Any student interested in having a buddy or being a buddy should contact Ms. Crider in guidance for an application.  Applications are due Feb 20th. 

Spring Sports:  Students who are interested in trying out for Spring Sports must register online at the CHS Athletics Webpage.  Click Registration. 
Sports physicals must be on the NCHSAA form.  To participate in off-season or pre-season workouts, a student must have a current physical and register.  All physicals need to be submitted to AD Ross.

Seniors, if you are interested in purchasing a senior ad and being remembered in the yearbook, follow this link to complete the survey: 

                                SMART LUNCH SCHEDULE

A Lunch
·  English Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Social Studies Tutorial
·  Arts Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Math Tutorial
·  Arts Tutorial
·  Healthful Living Tutorial
·  Peer Tutoring Club
·  Outdoor Soccer
·  Silent Study
·  Science Tutorial
·  CTE Tutorial
·  Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.

Silent Study
B Lunch
·  Math Tutorial
·  CTE Tutorial
·  NHS Peer Tutoring
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Science Tutorial
·  World Languages Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  English Tutorial
·  Outdoor Soccer
·  Silent Study
·  Social Studies Tutorial
·  World Language Tutorial
·  Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.

Silent Study

........and have a great day.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Student Announcements for Thursday, February 12th

Good morning,

Attention CHS Class of 2017!  You can now order Sophomore class t-shirts for $20.  All profits will help us have a great Prom next year. Please see Mrs. Dumaine, Issy Chung, Zoe Hurwitz, Taylor Gosk, Avery Hutcheson or Elizabeth Olilla to order a shirt by Feb. 13
(If you would like to see what the shirts look like, click on this link: Class of 17 Shirt Slide)

Seniors:  Have you ordered your cap and gown yet?  Late orders must be placed on the Herff Jones website https://highschool.herffjones.comby March 15.You must have a cap, gown, stole, 2015 tassel, as well as, paid senior fee to participate in the Graduation Ceremony June 13th at 5:00 PM at the Smith Center.Please remember not to schedule any activities the week of June 8th-12th (college orientations, work, trips) Rehearsal practice is mandatory for Graduation participation and will be held in this week.  We will make an announcement on the exact day and time once the Smith Center has assigned our time.

All ESL students have a state mandatory ACCESS Test this Friday,  February 13th; periods 1, 3 and possibly some of 5th. Students to meet in the Auditorium by the time the 1st period bell rings.

Did you forget something at Snowball?? LOST AND FOUND ITEMS are currently being held in the front office. Unclaimed items at the end of this week will be donated.

Composting starts February 17th! If you would like to volunteer, come to the meeting this Friday, February 13th in Mr. Klakovich's room (D214).

Looking for a way to make a difference, share your ideas? Be a part of The JagWire. Currently accepting applications for the 2015-2016 staff. Visit for the online application. Staff positions include writers, designers, a staff photographer and illustrator/artist. Questions?

Spring Sport Tryout Dates and Times are posted on the Athletic Webpage

"Come and enjoy a fundraiser dinner at Al's Burgers on Monday, February 16th! Al's will donate a portion of their proceeds from that night to this year's Prom."

Calling all high school students: Martin Luther King, Jr. used his words to change history. How will you use yours? To participate, go to Grand prize: $5,000!  Contest timeline: December 25, 2014 – Feb. 15, 2015

Donate to the Key Club's local SECU food drive.  Please bring in canned or boxed foods and other household items.  Collection boxes are in Room E220 and the Main Office.

All 9th, 10th and 11th  grade students need to know how to log in to their Power School accounts. Course registration will be done through Power School this year (NOT Career Cruising).  If you do not know your log-in information, please see Mrs. Brooks in the guidance office as soon as possible.  Guidance will be visiting your classrooms beginning Feb 17 through Feb 19th.  Students are also welcome to attend the registration open house on Feb 17th from 6:30-8pm for more information about courses.

CHS is happy to announce the start of a Peer Buddy Program.  The purpose of this program is to promote inclusion of all students, facilitate friendships, build leadership and promote acceptance, understanding and awareness of differences.  Students will meet with their buddy once a week during lunch, training will be provided and Service Learning Hours will be given.  Any student interested in having a buddy or being a buddy should contact Ms. Crider in guidance for an application.  Applications are due Feb 20th. 

Spring Sports:  Students who are interested in trying out for Spring Sports must register online at the CHS Athletics Webpage.  Click Registration. 
Sports physicals must be on the NCHSAA form.  To participate in off-season or pre-season workouts, a student must have a current physical and register.  All physicals need to be submitted to AD Ross.

Sports Physicals: UNC Orthopaedics is offering FREE Physicals for Spring Sports on Feb. 11 from 5:30-7:00.   6011 Farrington Road Suite 201.  Students must use the NCHSAA current physical form and have a parent signature on the form prior to arrival.

Seniors, if you are interested in purchasing a senior ad and being remembered in the yearbook, follow this link to complete the survey: 

                          SMART LUNCH SCHEDULE

A Lunch
·  English Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Social Studies Tutorial
·  Arts Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Math Tutorial
·  Arts Tutorial
·  Healthful Living Tutorial
·  Peer Tutoring Club
·  Outdoor Soccer
·  Silent Study
·  Science Tutorial
·  CTE Tutorial
·  Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.

Silent Study
B Lunch
·  Math Tutorial
·  CTE Tutorial
·  NHS Peer Tutoring
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Science Tutorial
·  World Languages Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  English Tutorial
·  Outdoor Soccer
·  Silent Study
·  Social Studies Tutorial
·  World Language Tutorial
·  Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.

Silent Study

........and have a great day.